Friday, December 26, 2008

Yay the Holidays are Over

I really am happy that the holidays are over. No more feeling bad that we didn't buy expensive extravagant gifts for people. Not that we should feel bad, but not everyone realizes that the holiday isn't about gifts. 

No more wondering & worrying that the baby is going to catch some cold that someone never bothered to tell us they had. 

No more listening to Christmas carols on the radio in the car. Is it really to much to ask that I hear some Hanukkah Harry once in a while. Not everyone celebrates Christmas. 

Is it really so terrible that I don't feel the need to dress my house up anymore? Is it really so terrible that I don't feel the need to make my dogs crazy with gifts they can't chew or ornaments they can't play with? 

I'm thrilled that the holidays are over..... Now bring on St. Patty's Day. That's always a holiday I've loved...... 

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I love my life....

As I stood in line today to return some things I bought, I wondered..... "what do other people think about when they're standing in line?" 

Are they standing there thinking the same thing I am? Are they wondering what I'm thinking to? I always like to people watch. Did you know that? It's not because I'm trying to be a stalker. I'm just curious. I watch them go by & wonder why everyone is either in such a hurry or going way to slow. 

I wonder why that lady decided to wear a red short when red obviously isn't her color. Or why that guy didn't check the mirror & realize he missed a belt loop. 

I also sit in the mall & wonder why more friends aren't made their. I spoke to a woman the other day who was in very much the same position I was. We switched off changing babies & feeding them. And then we chatted. But we parted and the 1st thing I wondered was..... why didn't we exchange numbers? Why didn't we say... "hey we're in the same motherhood boat? You get it.... I get it... we should have a glass of wine" But we didn't & that was cool anyway. 

Then I watched as some man came out of the store & looked like he had put his finger in a socket. Where did this style come from? Why do people think it makes them look "cool"? It's not cool. And needing so much hair product to keep your hair UP went out with the 80's. And by the way.... you're doing big hair wrong. 

Ok done for now..... 

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ew gross

Seriously. Why would a restaurant, fast food chain, chef, etc. go on tv to discuss what they do & not use proper hygiene. I hate watching shows that show employees using bare hands to prepare food. 

It's gross and makes me not want to eat there. Do you think investors watch these shows and cringe? 

E Chronicles

Ok so here goes my 1st e-chronicle. I hope my Jenn Jenn enjoys it. 

Why does it have to be hard? Why is it that when I get into my car & decide to drive away, some old man who thinks he's driving a Model T decides to CUT ME OFF and go 3mph? Is it really that hard to either wait for me to pass you or for you to hit the gas pedal? It's not rocket science. If it were, there'd be a lot less drivers on the road. Do you think he knows that him & his car almost became hood ornaments? Do you think he cares? 

And can someone please explain to me why I always get stuck behind the left lane hog? Hasn't anyone told these people that 50mph is an approximation? Do you think they know that they're causing a major traffic issue? I don't know which bothers me more.... People who ride their brakes & cause me not to know whether there is imminent danger ahead, left lane hogs or people who go just 1-2mph faster than the guy next to them making it impossible for anyone to pass them. GRRRRRRR How do you think they justify it? "Well I'm going faster than that guy"......